Pakistan’s President Attends Formal Islamabad Launch of TCI’s Sixth Hub

Apr 7, 2022

Pakistan’s honorable President Dr. Arif Alvi participated in the high-level launch of TCI's new hub in Islamabad

The Challenge Initiative (TCI) formally launched its new Pakistan hub on March 16, 2022, in Islamabad, Pakistan. Pakistan’s honorable President Dr. Arif Alvi participated in the high-level launch, where he said it was the responsibility of media and Ulema (Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law) to promote family planning in the country because comprehensive and continuous awareness is necessary for not only a mother and child’s health but also for national development.

TCI Pakistan is TCI’s sixth hub with Greenstar Social Marketing serving as the regional hub partner. To help educate and destigmatize family planning, the president urged the media to ensure frequent messaging in their content, such as dramas and morning shows. Similarly, he said the Ulema should use their pulpit for similar messaging as they had done during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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