Institute Global Program

Policy, Advocacy, and Community-building

Country-led collaborations to promote evidence-based
policies and programs

Policy, Advocacy, and Community-building

Empowering Global Change: Collaborative Advocacy for Evidence-Based Policies and Sustainable Progress

The Policy, Advocacy, and Community-building Global Program places a strategic emphasis on nurturing country-led collaborations to propel evidence-based policies and programs. Our collaborative approach supports country advocates through close alignment with governments and influential stakeholders, enabling us to inform and influence targeted decisions and actions that yield enduring impact. As an independent facilitator, our neutrality is inherent, a product of our distinct funding model.

Acknowledging the vital significance of ongoing exchange of best practices and the generation of innovative ideas, we are committed to active collaboration in advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and promoting gender equity. Our core objective revolves around enabling country-driven knowledge sharing and fostering a global network, driving accelerated progress in these critical domains.

Moreover, our role extends to nurturing communities that drive social and policy transformation within the realm of SRHR and gender equity. We firmly believe that cultivating these communities is a catalyst for inciting action that can spearhead a global movement. Our signature global gatherings, co-hosted conferences, meetings, and knowledge-sharing sessions are renowned for amplifying national expertise and showcasing the potential of a united community in advancing collective objectives on a global scope.

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Navigating Health and Rights: Unveiling Opportunities for Research, Advocacy, and Progress

Introduction: In the dynamic environment of health and rights, we recognize exciting opportunities to harness diverse approaches that encompass research, advocacy, and practical solutions.

Challenges Persist: Despite recent strides, exemplified by WHO’s self-care guidance and relaxed abortion restrictions in select low- and middle-income nations, it’s disheartening that accurate abortion information and access remain restricted for countless women within these regions.

Urgent Issue: Unsafe abortion remains a persistent peril to women’s well-being, particularly impacting the vulnerable — those who are economically disadvantaged, youthful, or marginalized. This crisis underlines the pressing need for a proactive stance on advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and fostering gender equity.

Our Commitment: As we journey ahead, our unwavering commitment is to champion a more equitable future. This encompasses a relentless advocacy for enhanced SRHR and gender equity. A core facet of this pursuit is ensuring fair access to pivotal services like family planning, abortion, and postpartum contraception, thus laying the foundation for a healthier, more equitable world.

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PFRH Summer Institute in Data to Policy

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International Conference on Family Planning

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Featured Advocacy Lead

Christina Cherel, MPH

Christina Cherel, MPH

Senior Technical Advisor, W. H. Gates Institute

In her current role as Senior Technical Advisor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Christina manages communications for sexual and reproductive health advocacy, research, and programs at the William H. Gates Sr. Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. A dedicated public health professional based in Baltimore, MD, she has implemented advocacy communications at the Institute since 2017, utilizing her experience in strategic communications, program management, and sexual and reproductive health.

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