Unlocking Success Through Global Collaboration

Founded with the mission of “Scholarship and Science for Social Change,” we have been a trailblazer for innovation in the fields of family planning, reproductive health, and population dynamics for over 25 years. We have a strong track record of positive impact – whether we are supporting local partner capacity or translating science and evidence into policies, programs, and practice.

To continue achieving success, we rely on an expansive global network. Of the more than 370 institutions and local governments we have partnered with since our establishment in 1999, more than 90% are based in the global south. This network allows us to use a synergistic approach to create positive disruptions through all of our Gates Institute Global Programs.

In this next phase of our work, we will expand our engagement with non-traditional partners with a diversified funding base, continue to challenge the traditional power structures inherent in development work, and champion equity, transparency, and inclusive decision-making that strengthens country-based work and leadership.

W. H. Gates Sr. Institute Global Programs

The W. H. Gates Sr. Institute organizes its work into five Global Programs, with Gender Equity cutting across all of them, to represent its strategic priorities going forward.

Cross-cutting Gender Equity ↗

Rooted in our intersectional approach to global health

Research, Measurement, AND Data Monitoring ↗

Driving the global family planning agenda forward

Demographic Futures, Population, AND Environment ↗

Projections of climate and population change

Policy, Advocacy, AND Community-building ↗

Prioritizing country-led collaborations

Next Generation Leaders ↗

Cultivating the next generation of SRHR and gender equity experts

Best Practices Scale Up ↗

Committed to locally-led and resourced SRHR programs

W. H. Gates Sr. Institute Platforms

Within each of the W. H. Gates Sr. Institute’s five Global Programs are various investable platforms for those considering partnering with the Institute.

The Challenge Initiative

The Challenge Initiative

Demographic Dividend

Demographic Dividend

Performance Monitoring for Action

Performance Monitoring for Action

International Conference on Family Planning

International Conference on Family Planning

SMART Advocacy

SMART Advocacy

AYSRHR Global Roadmap for Action

AYSRHR Global Roadmap for Action

120 Under 40: Next Generation of Family Planning Leaders

120 Under 40: Next Generation of Family Planning Leaders

PFRH Summer Institute in Data to Policy

PFRH Summer Institute in Data to Policy

Family Planning News Network

Family Planning News Network

Advance Family Planning

Advance Family Planning

Global Health Leadership Accelerator

Global Health Leadership Accelerator

Reproductive Health Centers of Excellence

Reproductive Health Centers of Excellence

Scholarship and Science

Reproductive Health Centers for Excellence ↗

Empowering leaders, bridging gaps: Advancing population and reproductive health globally

Summer Institute in Data to Policy ↗

Designed to equip students with skills needed to understand population-based data and shape policy

Global Health Leadership Accelerator ↗

Intensive two-week leadership training, in the company of some of the brightest minds and most accomplished practitioners in public health

W. H. Gates Sr. Institute Resources

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Explore the Institute’s Research and Publications

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Learn more about any of the Institute’s Global Programs and Platforms