The Challenge Initiative

Global Partnerships & Platforms

The Challenge Initiative

Meeting the Challenges in Urban Global Health

The Challenge Initiative

The Challenge Initiative (TCI) is a global platform that supports local governments in urban areas to scale up high-impact interventions that have been proven successful. By working through existing government and community systems and institutionalizing these practices, TCI facilitates self-reliance and sustainability, while achieving impact.

TCI’s current work focuses on family planning and adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) programming, but the TCI model could be applied to any health area related to maternal, newborn and child health. Led by the William H. Gates Sr. Institute for Population and Reproductive Health (based at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), TCI has six regional partners or “hubs” in East Africa, Francophone West Africa, India, Nigeria, Pakistan and the Philippines. Those partners are, respectively, Jhpiego, IntraHealth International, Population Services International India, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Greenstar Social Marketing and the Zuellig Family Foundation.

Transforming Family Planning for Urban Communities: The Innovative Approach of The Challenge Initiative

TCI has engaged more than 170 local governments in urban areas across 13 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, India, Niger, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo and Uganda. We currently have a population footprint of 222 million and have contributed to 3.2 million additional family planning clients. In addition, local governments have committed $102M to these TCI-supported family planning programs with about 50% of that spent thus far. Finally, with TCI coaching, local governments have implemented 38,000 high-impact practices (HIPs) and other interventions across 4,500 facilities.

Discover TCI University

TCI University (TCI-U) is a dynamic platform offering high-impact urban family planning and AYSRH interventions for learning, adapting, disseminating and coaching. As a key mechanism to build capacity and strengthen health systems, TCI-U supports local governments to scale up these interventions with in-person and virtual coaching, online toolkits and a vibrant community of practice. Learn more below. 

TCI University Coaching

TCI’s coaching approach has several unique elements: The model is locally owned and implemented. The process is systematic yet flexible. And it is grounded in a commitment to sustainable transformation.

TCI University Toolkits

TCI coaches support local governments as they select, adapt and implement proven interventions from TCI-U’s collection of highly synthesized how-to guidance and tools.
This package of TCI interventions aligns with global high-impact practices and is designed to support local governments in providing access to quality family planning services by those with unmet need.

TCI’s Global Community of Practice

Once you register with TCI University, you will become a member of TCI Global CoP. This online space connects TCI hub staff, managers, implementers and other experts working in urban reproductive health, providing opportunities for real-time social learning, help with challenges, access to expertise, networking opportunities and knowledge sharing.

Featured Institute Experts

Kojo Lokko

Kojo Lokko

Executive Director | Principal Investigator

Kojo Lokko brings an ideal combination of skills and experience with over twenty years of work in family planning, expertise in scaling up programs especially in reproductive heal...More

Kojo Lokko

Executive Director | Principal Investigator
Kim Martin

Kim Martin

Communications and Marketing Senior Advisor

Kim Martin is an accomplished writer/editor and public affairs specialist with 20+ years’ experience at Johns Hopkins. She is also a digital content strategist and has led the de...More

Kim Martin

Communications and Marketing Senior Advisor
Bethany Raab

Bethany Raab

Senior Grants and Contracts Analyst

Bethany has worked in the financial industry for over 10 years. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Colorado Technical University. Her prior work experience...More

Bethany Raab

Senior Grants and Contracts Analyst

Connected Global Program

Our Best Practices Scale Up Global Program is committed to locally led and resourced SRHR programs that feature a package of demand generation, service delivery, and advocacy interventions that are adapted to the local context. The Challenge Initiative is a “business unusual” platform that empowers local governments to rapidly and sustainably scale high-impact practices and other interventions to benefit urban poor communities.

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TCI Wins Prestigious 2024 P3 Impact Award for Exemplary Public-Private Partnership

About the Challenge Initiative

TCI supports local governments in leading – and owning – their family planning and AYSRH programs by strengthening their capacity and self-reliance. TCI does not implement programs. Under TCI, cities self-select to be part of the team, demonstrate their commitment by bringing their own resources to the table and then lead the implementation of high-impact interventions.