WHGI Publications & Resources

Reproductive Health Financing for Uganda: Commitment to Action

Publication Year: 2013

To ensure that increased budget commitments for reproductive health commodities in Uganda are sustainable and that funds are disbursed and fully expended, parliamentarians can play an important role. This policy brief asks that parliamentarians:

  • Provide oversight to ensure that current allocations for FY 2013/14 amounting to UGX 8 billion on the family planning policy ‚ÄúVote 116‚Äù are maintained.
  • Ensure that allocated funds from the World Bank Reproductive Health Systems Strengthening Project amounting to $3.6 million are released and spent in FY 2013/14.
  • Continually track allocations to ensure the 100 percent expenditure of funds.

Link to File: https://bmgi.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/files_live/Uganda%20policy%20brief.pdf