WHGI Publications & Resources

Engagement des autorités communales à la promotion de la PF au Burkina Faso

Publication Year: 2016

Poster¬†sur¬†l’objectif¬†SMART du plan de travail du Burkina Faso: ¬´¬†Obtenir¬†des¬†maires,¬†l‚Äôengagement¬†de¬†prendre¬†en¬†compte¬†la PF¬†dans¬†leurs¬†plans¬†communaux¬†de¬†developpement¬†d‚Äôici¬†√†¬†fin¬†Octobre¬†2014. ¬ª Ce poster a¬†√©t√©¬†pr√©sent√©¬†par Brigitte¬†Syan¬†√†¬†la¬†Conf√©rence¬†international de la¬†planification¬†familiale¬†√†¬†Nusa¬†Dua,¬†Indon√©sie¬†en¬†janvier¬†2016

Poster on the SMART objective from Burkina Faso’s work plan: “The mayors take family planning into account in their communes’ development plans by the end of October 2014.” ¬†This poster was presented by Brigitte¬†Syan¬†at the International Conference on Family Planning in¬†Nusa¬†Dua, Indonesia in January 2016.

Link to File: https://bmgi.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/files_live/AFP_Poster_Equipop.pdf