William H. Gates Sr. Memorial Tree Planting

Bill Gates Sr. was a luminary in family planning and leaves behind a profound legacy. When family planning was written off the global agenda, Bill Gates Sr. helped to ensure it earned a spotlight in policies and programs worldwide. Without his innovative vision of training the “leaders of tomorrow” and his dedication to fighting global inequity and uplifting the voices of others, our project and partners would not have been able to accomplish all that we have together.
Aside from his deep dedication to creating a more equitable world, Bill Sr. was known as a humble, generous, and kind man. To that end, we want to ensure we honor his legacy in a meaningful and unique way. We want to acknowledge not just his accomplishments in the family planning landscape, but also the countless lives he touched along the way.
In honor of Bill Gates Sr.’s impactful life, we are asking our partners and friends who were impacted by his incredible generosity to plant a tree sapling. This tree will commemorate all that Bill Gates Sr. so selflessly gave to the world and will contribute to improving the health of the planet as Bill, Sr. did throughout his lifetime.