Sixty-four mayors in nine regions across Senegal are now budgeting locally for family planning—a transformation in prioritizing access to contraceptives for women there. Mayors only recently obtained the authority to budget for family planning due to a change in national law in 2014. Advocates acted quickly and strategically to capitalize on this new authority: from 2014 to 2017, 64 mayors budgeted a total of 73.8 million West African CFA francs (XOF), about US $125,000. Although many are seemingly small amounts, typically about $2,000, these commitments re ect important, rst-time contributions from these local leaders—and a strong indicator of growing local ownership for family planning.
WHGI Publications & Resources
Case Study: Door Opens to Increase Access to Contraception: First-Time Contributions from 64 Mayors Total $125,000
Publication Year: 2017
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