Watch Now: PMA’s Survey Training & Learning Resources Toolkit Launch

Aug 14, 2024

The William H. Gates Sr. Institute and Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) hosted a webinar unveiling PMA’s brand new Survey Training & Learning Resources (STLR) toolkit on Thursday, 25 July 2024 from 8:30 AM ET to 9:15 AM ET.

STLR is a curated collection of tools for supporting learning in the data collection space and training survey teams. These tools were developed, adapted, and improved with the help, testing, and feedback from PMA’s colleagues across partner institutions.

And now, PMA is sharing the best of those tools with you! You can use and adapt these tools for your teams, your questionnaires, and your specific learning needs.

Discover STLR tools related to…

Watch the recording from this event (available in English and French) find out more about this dynamic toolkit and how you can apply it to your own work! 

Check out the STLR tools in English and French here!

Featured Speakers

Fiacre Bazié

Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population, University of Ouagadougou

Shani Turke


Sarah Nehrling

Organizational Learning Consultant

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