Linnea A. Zimmerman
Principal Investigator | Assistant ProfessorDr. Linnea Zimmerman has a PhD from the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a Masters in Public Health from Emory University. She has a background in demography and focuses on family planning and women's reproductive health research. She is the PI of the PMA Ethiopia project, a longitudinal study implemented in Ethiopia to evaluate use and barriers to critical maternal and newborn health interventions. As the Associate Director of Research for PMA, Linnea Zimmerman works with the leadership team and country partners to develop and implement research across all of our countries and work to improve PMA data utilization and accessibility. She is also a member of the Global Early Adolescent Study, focusing on how to improve measurement of empowerment among young adolescents.
Linnea A. Zimmerman Information
- Website URL: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/faculty/3046/linnea-a-zimmerman
- Email Address: linnea.zimmerman@jhu.edu