How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World: Gates Institute Demographic Dividend Initiative Member Quoted

Jul 27, 2023

The Demographic Dividend Initiative in The New York Times

Carolina Cardona, Ph.D., M.H.S., a key member of the Demographic Dividend Initiative team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, was recently featured in an article from The New York Times discussing the implications demographic shifts around the world.

The article, “How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World” explores how these recent and projected demographic shifts may affect economic growth and opportunities for young people.

It references the concept of the demographic dividend, and how this dividend is not automatic—countries have to earn it.

Cardona provided further insight into this point saying, “If you don’t have employment for those people who are entering the labor force, then
it’s no guarantee that the demographic dividend is going to happen.”

The article goes on to discuss challenges of aging populations in various regions around the world.

Read the full article published 16 July 2023 in The New York Times here. 

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