The Advance Family Planning (AFP) initiative is pleased to launch What Works to Support Youth-led Advocacy: Advancing Contraceptive Access for Young People. This brief describes AFP’s decade of experience in advocating alongside and on behalf of young people, identifies lessons learned, and recommends ways to support youth advocates.
The brief highlights key achievements from AFP’s 77 youth advocacy wins across 15 countries. These wins resulted in US $525,000 mobilized for adolescent youth sexual and reproductive health since budget tracking began in 2014 and 54 policy improvements expanding contraceptive access and choice for young people. In addition, AFP’s Opportunity Fund issued a total of US $1.35 million in small grants to 29 youth-focused advocacy efforts.
What Works to Support Youth-led Advocacy: Advancing Contraceptive Access for Young People captures the ways advocates have made services more accessible to young people and elevated young people in policy and funding decisions. When equipped with advocacy expertise, young people set the agenda and increase access to family planning for all.